Keno is one of the oldest casino games. Of course, it’s a simple game, you get a card with 80 numbers in rows of ten, and you can mark from 1 to 20, and usually choose 15 numbers. Then you return the ticket and wait for the dealer to draw 20 numbers. You win if any of the numbers come out, so it’s like playing the lottery.
This lottery-like game has two forms: you can either gamble at such keno online platforms or go to a land-based casino to play keno there. It all depends on your preferences.

Let’s look at the history of this very popular game, which is also among the oldest casino games.
According to some scholars, the game of Keno originated in China. According to ancient legend, its creation saved the city during the war. In addition, its popularity helped raise money to build the Great Wall of China.
However, it is now known that the use of lotteries to fund government institutions was illegal in China until the late 17th century. It was first played using sheets on which Chinese characters were printed. It even spread throughout China thanks to flying pigeon mail!

By the way, according to the encyclopedic website Britannica, Keno has been around for at least 2,000 years. Its original name was baige piao or pai-ko p’iao, which means “white dove ticket. Moreover, the game was played with the permission of the governors of the provinces where the gambling houses originated the game, who received a commission on winnings.

The game was later imported to the United States by Chinese migrants who were attracted by the construction of the railroad tracks that paved the way to the western part of the country. Hence, of course, a form of slavery without barracks, which is also part of the social structure of the United States.
Thus, this classic of Chinese literature is so well known to children that even a few unique characters are used today. Instead of the classic numbers from 1 to 1000!